Day 1/Birth: Hour 0-4 | - 4 qts. Of good quality colostrum
- 1 Sci-Mic CB Bolus with or after colostrom
- 2nd feeding within 12 hours, colostrom (2-2 ½ qts.)
Day 2 | - Colostrom-Whole milk (pasteurized) or Lakes Area Superstart 20-20
- Sci-Mic Calf Formula D-1 gram
- Free Choice Water
Day 3 | - Lakes Area Superstart 20-20
- 2 qts. X 2 per day AM/PM
- Add Calf Formula D- ½ gram per feeding
- Start 18% Calf Starter
Day 10 | - 2 qts. Lakes Area Superstart 20-20
- Continue 18% Calf Starter
- Add Calf Formula D- ½ gram per feeding
Day 21 | - 2 ½ qts. Lakes Area Superstart 20-20
- 18% Calf Starter (Goal – 2# per day)
- Add Calf Formula D- ½ gram per feeding
Day 49 | - Go to one feeding of Lakes Area Superstart 20-20 for next 5 days
- 17% Calf Starter/Grower (Goal 3-5 pounds per day)
Day 54 | - Continue Calves on the same amount of 17% Calf Starter/grower
- Introduce after 4 to 6 pounds
- Dry Alf Hay
- 1 Sci-Mic:CB Bolus